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Wonder why fitting in meant not acting like yourself?c. Pretend your bicycle was a galloping horse?e.
They were pointing to a beige suit on a rack...I looked at them and they
were wearing beige and their faces and hair were beige too! In a panic I
woke myself up in a sweat. Shiloh's paintings are internationally collected and her product line
is represented at galleries and fine shops throughout the Unites States. irreverent. It was 3
am and I poured a glass of wine, and sat down to draw in my
journal. To be myself. http://theredboa.blogspot.com So, let's put on our sparkley suit and shine shine
shine!Shiloh Sophia McCloud - Visionary Artist Teacher and PublisherShiloh Sophia McCloud has dedicated the past
sixteen years of her life to the study and practice of art as a spiritual
discipline as well as to helping equip women with the tools and understanding to develop
their own creative potential.Shiloh's artwork is committed to providing healing images and teachings about women
and family. Want to save the world and felt like you actually could?d. perfect. See
what she wants to tell you. but instead sometimes what is wild. See what she
asks of you. It isn't that dressing up was important, but that reminding myself chaussures puma too
not be too normal was important. Thousands of women have deepened in their creative practice
through Shiloh's illustrated Color of Woman journals and her workshops.Shiloh is the founder of Cosmic
Cowgirls Ink LLC, a woman and girl owned publishing company that produces collaborative tools for
transformation. And of course, she got what I meant. Live from the Rodeo of the
Soul...The Sparkley SuitIf you answer yes to any of the following questions you might be
ready to play dress up with me and claim your spirited woman self!When you were
a little girl growing up did you:a. I made a commitment that the next day
I would wear my wildest outfit, which of course included my red cowgirl boots and
red feather boa and my hat with the rhinestone butterfly on the front. Growing up
- and now, I am both bad girl and good girl and that is what
keeps it all so interesting....By bad I don't mean, literally "bad" of course - but
bad in the sense that I don't always want to choose what is right. And
if you don't have a boa, now just might be the time...To inspire you, you
can even check out a great blog from a fellow Cosmic Cowgirl, who 925 silver says: life
is too short not to wear a red boa. Wonder if being a bad girl
was funner than being a good girl? Draw yourself with a crown on your
head?' Wonder if being a bad girl was funner than being a good girl?Or
were you one of the bad girls?Or were you BOTH the bad girl and the
good girl?Most of the women I have met were either BOTH or wanted to be.
Shiloh lives and teaches a philosophy that all art forms are tools for individual, social
and spiritual transformation. To not forget my wild child side. I won't let that happen
again". best. unexpected.Creative Action: Get your journal and some colored pens. And most of the
spirited women I know are still asking themselves these kinds of questions. And do we
need to choose? Or is there some delicious combination between the two? I think so!Should
I go out for a raw food green drink or eat a crispy creme? Should
I buy the hot pink cowgirl boots with flames or the sensible walking shoes? Should
I stay home and clean the house or go out to the saloon and read
poetry at the open mike?The healthy answer might be...drum roll please...BOTH!One night I had a
dream - and these people where encouraging me to behave more normally, be more reserved,
to fit in, to achieve some level of acceptance. Write an illustrated letter from the
voice of your wild child self. And to surround myself with other women who celebrate
who we are, and who we are becoming. Then the next day, let her choose
what SHE wants to wear to work. I had been getting dangerously close to conformity
-which for a wild child, artist or spirited woman, is not a good idea!The next
morning...when my girlfriend saw me walk into the Cosmic Cowgirls studio she smiled and said:
"There she is!" And I said these words: "The beige people stole my sparkely suit.
[http://www.cosmiccowgirls.com]Shiloh teaches at several colleges throughout the Bay Area in California, as well as in
her own classroom. Want to be a nun and a solid gold dancer?b. That dream
and meaning of that sentence is a reminder for me not to be to focused
on conformity - to be a spirited woman at all times. The focus of her
teachings is intentional creativity and visionary life work."The work of a woman visionary is to
the know the past, dream the future, and take powerful action in the present."http://www.shilohsophia.com.
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