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Getting into a state where all of your energy is being diverted into one place is
often referred to as being in the "zone". This is a state of intense focus
and little to no mental chatter with which most athletes are familiar. This is because
every movement we make is dependent on what is happening internally. If, for example, someone
is having a particularly bad day; their movements will tend to be sluggish, their reactions
less sharp. The other thing you are doing is pulling on the resources you already
have. Notice as much detail as you can. If you are attempting to divert that
energy in two different directions then your energy output is going to be much lower.If
on the other hand you send all of that electricity into the same neural network
then your output will be much higher. You do not need to control it or
do anything else with it, just allow your awareness to settle there. The best athletes
out there know that the secret to winning starts with you. Now, some people may
think that they can not visualize, if tn requin this is the case for you, it is
no problem. Notice how good it feels to be achieving that. You can see yourself
playing that sport at a peak level. First you are giving your mind a direction
in which to put your energy. One of the easiest ways to focus is by
just noticing your breathing. This is the perfect state to move into for this exercise.
If you think about your front door, you could tell me what color it was.
What is happening in your mind is just as important as what you do with
your body. You are now the you who is playing at a top level. Really
enjoy seeing yourself excelling and feel a sense of pride at your achievement.When you are
ready walk up to the image of you in that circle and imagine you can
step inside of yourself. Begin by closing your eyes and focusing your mind. Whatever process
you would go through to get that information is the same process that we are
using here.Inside that circle is an image of you. Pay attention to what you chaussures puma look
like, your body positioning, and the way you are playing the sport. Think of your
brain as a system of complex circuits that constantly has energy flowing through them. Just
as when you are at your peak performance level and your mind becomes highly focused,
focusing in this way will also create a useful change in state. This is because
part of their mental energy is tied up in the events of the day. Enjoy
this experience and when you are ready allow the images to fade and bring yourself
back to the room and the present time.With this exercise you are doing two very
important things. Pay attention to how your body feels as you now play your sport
from this perspective. Instead of it being the present you, imagine it is you at
the level of performance that you want to be at. There are many ways to
get into this state and this article is going to focus on one exercise you
can use that will not only improve your game and get you in the zone
more quickly but also give you the mental edge over your opponents.This technique can be
used at anytime when you have a few moments to yourself. Take in as much
detail as possible and be aware of how much better it feels to be in
the position of playing at this level compared to watching you at this level. In
order imagine yourself in this ways you already have to possess the resources that can
get your there. You may find that as you do this, your breathing tends to
grow slower and deeper and your body and mind begin to relax. Otherwise you would
not be able to imagine it. Your mind will be sharper and your reactions quicker.
You are setting a goal and human brains love goals. This also gives your body
and opportunity to relax and take in more oxygen, which is beneficial for muscle growth
and development.After doing this for a few minutes allow your mind to create a mental
image of a circle with an image of you standing inside of it. Have fun
with this exercise and don't be surprised at just how quickly your game improves.http://www.hypnosisphilly.com/Sports-Hypnosis.html.
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